When customers use your Customizer to create products, you will earn a margin. You can set the margin in your App Settings under Customizer.
To set the Customizer's margin, go to your Spreadconnect App:
- Go to Settings.
- Scroll down to the Customizer's section.
- Under Define your markup, you can either select a percentage of the base pricing or add a fixed amount. This can be done either for the entire Customizer or individually for each product type category
- Also, you can choose if you want the final prices rounded automatically. This can be activated with the small slider at the bottom that says "Rounded prices". The prices in the Customizer will then automatically be rounded up to .99 and the margin increased accordingly.
Currently, the margin from your product sales and the Customizer sales are not being totaled. If a customer adds a text to a product that you already created, the final price will be the product's base price + the Customizer's margin.
If a customer adds additional printing areas, the markup will be calculated based on the final price.
Please be aware that the margin you set in the Customizer will not affect the prices on the product list page! You have to set those separately.